Optimizing Your Breastfeeding Journey with Chiropractic Care 
Hannah Bloch Hannah Bloch

Optimizing Your Breastfeeding Journey with Chiropractic Care 

Babies who have trouble breastfeeding often have a stressed nervous system. Certain interventions during pregnancy and birth can impact their nervous system and cause them to get stuck in stress and tension. This is unique to each mother-baby dyad and discussed on your first visit. Chiropractic care for newborns is very gentle and will help your baby get in a calm, rest & digest state. We understand how the nervous system plays a role in breastfeeding, oral function, growth, and development. We commonly help with:

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The Science Behind Alleviating Children’s Growing Pains
Hannah Bloch Hannah Bloch

The Science Behind Alleviating Children’s Growing Pains

It's a common experience for many parents, especially when their child hits a growth spurt. The impact goes beyond physical discomfort, affecting mood, energy, emotions, and behavior. You're not alone – nearly half of all school-aged children face growing pains. While considered a "normal" part of childhood, these pains can significantly impact daily life. Pediatricians may dismiss them, attributing them to the natural course of growth. But what if there's more to it? What if growing pains have neurological roots that Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care can address without the use of drugs?

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Unlocking Torticollis: INSiGHT Scans and Chiropractic Care
Hannah Bloch Hannah Bloch

Unlocking Torticollis: INSiGHT Scans and Chiropractic Care

As a parent, when you’re told your baby has something called torticollis, it can often leave you feeling helpless and unsure where to turn. As pediatric chiropractors specializing in infant care, we empathize with the challenges and uncertainties that come with a torticollis diagnosis. In this blog, we aim to empower parents with the knowledge and understanding they need to navigate this journey successfully.

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Understanding and Managing Chronic Constipation in Children
Hannah Bloch Hannah Bloch

Understanding and Managing Chronic Constipation in Children

If you have dealt with your child struggling with chronic constipation, you know the repercussions on their lives are significant, affecting their immune system, sleep, energy levels, and emotional regulation. If you have exhausted various remedies, including diet changes, prune juice, probiotics, and even Miralax, this is for you. We’ll dive into the genuine root causes of chronic constipation, extending beyond nutritional imbalances, and provide drug-free options to enhance your child’s quality of life.

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